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Judges, Demonstrators, Speakers & Education

We are a subsidiary committee of the Devon & Cornwall Area, set up for Judges, Demonstrators Speakers and Teachers (Education) Hence JDS&E.

Originally the JDS&E was set up for training Judges Demonstrators and Speakers under the guidelines set up by the National Committees. Although we do not train teachers they too come under our umbrella.


We are funded by the Area and meet 3 times a year. Also the chairman attends the Area executive and Council meetings. The JDS&E consists of a Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, a representative for all 4 disciplines plus 2 others. On the national front each one of the disciplines is in contact with the committee at NAFAS headquarters and receives the reports for that discipline. Once a year they go to London with representatives from all the other areas of NAFAS. The reports from NAFAS are then reported to the council meeting and get printed in the Focus magazine.


Within the Area the JDS&E committee organizes the training and testing of Judges, Demonstrators and Speakers and contributes to the cost of that training.


As formal instruction on flower arranging is now so difficult to source, refresher days for the four disciplines, which we usually open up to area members where space allows, are held twice a year. This has proved very popular with the membership and it is hoped that this can continue.  


The JDS&E also arbitrates in disputes between clubs, demonstrators and judges when necessary.


If you would like any information please contact me on


Glennis Beard

Area Judge and JDS&E Chairman

Barbara Clatworthy

Area Demonstrator and 

Area Demonstrators Representative

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Judith Taylor

National Judge and (NAFAS Adjudicator and Instructor)

JDS&E Consultant

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Adrienne Blake

Area Judge and Speaker and

Speakers Representative

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Gill Casey

National Judge and

JDS&E Secretary


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Julia Harrison

Area Judge, Demonstrator,

Speaker and 

Judges Representative

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Angela Chanter

Teacher and

Education Representative 

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